Monday 10 December 2012

How To Solve Problem In Your Sleep

As a human, we usually encounter problems in our life.
As we can see, in 21th Century many people stress because of their problems.

They have no time to solve all of the problems. If you cannot solve your problems, you will be stressed.
So, problem solving is the important ability in our life.

We spend almost a third of our lives to sleep and almost a third of that time we dreaming.
Maybe sometimes you realize that during sleep, dreams can offer solutions to your problems.

Dreams can especially helpful for problems that require creativity of visualization to solve. When you fall asleep, you enter an alternative state of consciousness, a time when true inspiration can strike.

Actually, the act of dreaming is simply thinking about our usual concerns in a different state of consciousness.
By thinking about specific problems before go to bed, we can increase our chances that we will dream a solution.

How can we do it?

  1. Write down your problem as a brief sentence and place this note next to your bed.
  2. Review the problem for a few minutes before going to bed.
  3. Once in bed, visualize the problem as a concrete image.
  4. Tell yourself you want to dream about the problem as you drift off to sleep.
  5.  On awakening, note whether you recall any trace of a dream (try to invite more of the dream to return).
  6.  Try to arrange objects that connected to the problem.

In a short amount of time, you can learn to focus your dreams on minor problems and often solve them.


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